Well Merry Christmas everyone! The day has finally come and pretty much, gone. I'm happy to say I enjoyed myself despite our Christmas being considerabley less dramatic than previous years. We started off this year in about November with "no present this year guys" to getting to the actually day and of course my parents couldn't resist, which is what I love so much about them.
It's so strange this year I just didn't have the same excitment for Christmas I usually do and I've noticed a couple of other bloggers have mentioned this too. Maybe it's the fact that we're becoming adults and that's just what happens? But for me this year it was a different kind of happiness. I'm ashamed to say that this year was the first time I bought my parents presents with my own money rather than each of them giving me money for the other or even buying something for themselves and wrapping it up and saying its from me. I actually felt good spending my money on someone else...a strange addictive kind of happiness that could turn into a problem if left unchecked. I just love trying to find the perfect gift for people and get a kick out of people opening things in front of me.
Watching my nieces and nephews open their presents today and seeing the excitement on Charli's face when she discovered a barbie doll and a pair of clicky clacky heels, it's the kind of excitement only a four year old could show for such a simple gift.
But the thing that really touched me the most today, and this is gonna sound weird but it was a text. From someone I don't even know all that well that took the time to wish me a Merry Christmas and not just a generic "i've sent this to everyone on my list" message, it was personalised with my name. He was the first and only person to send me a text unprompted and it really made me happy and then I felt bad for not actually sending anyone else a text that I should have so I endeavoured to send texts to everyone I wanted to wish a Merry Christmas and hoped that they would feel the same way I did from that first text =)
I feel like this Christmas is a turning point into adulthood for me. I've turned 18, I survived high school,
ATAR - 86.20
Which is pretty impressive considering the minimal effort I put into the last 12 months of school. I think though I wouldn't go through high school again if I had the choice. I'm going to miss it, sure. At the same time I'm ready to move on, I want to experience uni and meet different people and do different things. And a band 6 in Hospitality, which I'm proud of too and glad I got for Mrs Howard in her last year of teaching since she put so much pressure on me for two years and insisted I didn't drop it.
Well that's all from me for now, next thing to look forward to, new years =)
Deep Lurrrve
Stephii xx
p.s. feliz navidad, Prospero Año y Felicidad.
Totally my favourite christmas song xD
p.p.s. has anyone else ever wondered how they build bridges UNDERWATER????
Shortbread Recipe
6 years ago