Maybe it's me

I thought it was high time my fans received one of my much awaited blog posts and well let me just say I have been doing quite a bit of thinking.. about everything really.

It's a self destructive kind of cycle, you start questioning how and why things happen and you get stuck and end up becoming depressed about everything. Ever felt like no one gave a shit about you or what was happening in your life? Well it's human nature. People only care about themselves and their own feelings. While you're there thinking something that happened is some kind of pivotal moment in your life, someone else has just walked off and completely forgotten all about it.

But that's how it goes, people's main concern is themselves. Occasionally it changes and for a few minutes someone may give you the time of day, but ultimately everyone is looking out for themselves worrying about what everyone else is thinking of them, when ironically everyone else is doing the same.

So it's best not to give a shit and say and do what you like in life, because really it is too short and regretting everything and looking back on situations just makes things manifest and you end up feeling depressed while those that were involved haven't given it a second thought.

Having said that there are a rare few people in the world who do that and when you find someone like that they're deserve praise. While they may do and say some bold (mostly stupid) things, at least they are doing something! why be complacent in life? Don't settle for mediocrity. And don't let yourself be trodden on by people who you think are your friends.

I realise half of this is contradictory and its jumbled and several things have led me to just vent all this out.

News from Life: i think i'll drop french.
and probably dye my hair red.
Desperately seeking Susan serenity
got myself a pen pal. applying pride and prejudice to real life ftw.

Peace Out
S. xoxo

2 come backs:

Anonymous said...
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keone said...

am i that pen pal?????