Sitting down, I was doing a bit of shoulder dancing to the music when an arm appeared in front of me and handed me a drink. It was a brown arm, it had a gold ring on the third finger. I looked up, and it was Masimo's arm. And he was attached to it."
OKAY OKAY I realise that I have not blogged *tries hard not to giggle at the word* in a looooooong time but hey, I've been doing stuff. I promise I'll try hard to update you all throughout my HSC year.
First thing's first. MY NEW IPOD. It's a green ipod nano and I have named it Iggy the Ipod - Iggy being short for Iggy Stardust (he particularly likes holding my Bowie music for me)
School on Wednesday. Erlack. But I'm afraid it's true. I PLAN to achieve marks high enough to get into USYD for nutrition...yeah keep dreaming eh? i've got several back up courses though so watch out for me ronnie cause i'm gonna be big.
I'm just wondering if anyone sees the irony in me applying for a nutrition course....
Okay well when I'm feeling in another info sharing mood I shall assault you with it.
Peace Out
Songs I'm feeling of late
Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts - The Arctic Monkeys
Weekend Wars - MGMT
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