Steph's Busy Day

So once upon a time there was this uber chick called Steph and the guys wanted to be her and the girls thought they could change her (or maybe vice versa SIMPSONS QUOTE PEOPLE)

And anyway Stephanie woke up on the morning of the 18th June 2008 in a blind panic as she had such an eventful day. First off she had to wake up extremely early because she had extension maths which ran fairly smoothy smooth as it regularly does. But when she woke up she remembered SHE IS DONATING BLOOD TODAY. Scary I know. So she had a big breakfast comprised of weet-bix, juice, tea and toast. She also drank large quantities of water throughout the day, so much that she had to pee three times during class time at school.

First two periods the Steph had english. Today happened to be the day in english where they decided to have a listening test. And Steph happened to do okay, or at least she thinks she did. Then there was double French-ness and more in-class peeing.

At lunch the Steph left for the blood bank and she was pretty much scared shitless. So she actually got there believe it or not and filled out the forms and got weighed and had her blood pressure taken etc. Then came the scary little needle they prick your finger with to test iron or some such thing. The Steph passed. and then they took her through to THE room. andshe sat down and freaked out lots, the lady taking her blood was super nice though and she was sitting there with a GREAT MASSIVE METAL TUBE coming out of her arm and she kept asking if the Steph was okay was okay which she was and they were like three quarters of the way through and the lady is like are you okay? and and the steph says's normal to feel like a little dizzy right? and shes like NO :O and the steph thinks she is dying (the man said that was okay since there was a cemetary right across ther road) and so she has to stop taking the Steph's blood and INVERT the Steph so her legs are higher than her head which was especially embarassing as all her nice friends came and laughed for support not to mention there was a cute guy working there. 15 minutes later the Steph is set free and gets to eat chocolate and jellybeans free from blood donating terror.

BUT THERE WAS TERROR YET TO COME. The Steph had a job interview which was equally stressful as the blood donating which went for about 45 minutes until the Steph came out on the top and nice Libra informed her that she would be recommending the Steph as she was the most awesome for the job.

The Steph was getting quite emotional as the day was not one of her favourites and she still had to go home and finish her food tech assignment (which she is about to do right now)

So Peace out kids

Steph the (not only just) Spectacular

PS Shame on you Tommothy as I have donated blood before you =P

1 come backs:

Anonymous said...

hey you got the job! grats

anyways yeh blood bank was cool...IF YOU ACTUALLY GAVE BLOOD! Be thankful you have enough damn iron... *runs to eat a half pound steak*

see u :)
its mia btw