Just a quick one to update you folks on my life. Lately school has been ruling my life.I had two tests today. I had to write a letter in French and I had a test in Hospitality, I'm pretty sure I went okay in French but in hospitality I'm not that confident. A few weeks ago I did an extension maths test and FAILED. But then on my Advanced test I got full marks (Practically) I lost one mark because I didn't set out a question the way the other classes' teacher wanted it to be done. I still got the right answer, as far as I'm concerned I got 100%! =P Since the advanced class apparently did horribly on this test I'm gonna say I think Extension is actually helping me for the Advanced work but Extension I still suck. Oh yer and chemistry test oh geez I guess like all of it...but then she gave me a merit cert. for it so I'm thinking everyone just sucks in our class.

mmm so coming up.....French test tomorrow, Chemistry practical on Wednesday and Food Tech practical on Thursday. Speeches next week too.

I'm going to try and be POSITIVE about all my sucky subjects now since complaining isn't going to help.

went to the Easter show on Wed. pics will be up when i can get the stupid usb to work.

Big Love

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