Hey kids
Just got back from our school camp..okay well i got back yesterday but same difference right. I thought it was okay. Everyone complained about the food which I really didn't think was THAT horrible I mean it's a camp you can't exactly expect a five star meal.Here's what we had:
Day 1
Lunch: Burrito things (mine fell apart), fruit
Dinner: Roast dinner choice of beef lamb or pork (Pumpkin had gross seasoning)berry jelly
Day 2
Breakfast: Toast, Cereal (Weetbix, Just Right, Sultana Bran) Fruit, Yoghurt
Lunch: Sandwiches (I had Chicken, Cheese and Lettice), Poppers, Museli Bars (Ate at Archery site)
Dinner: Some chicken stir fry thing with rice and beans, mousse
Day 3
Breakfast: Pretty much the same as the day before
Lunch: Potato Frittata thing with salad, bread roll, fruit
Activities we did were Archery, Ropes course, Rock Climbing, Abseiling, Canoing/Kayaking. All pretty good. Then there was the disco of course which I keep hoping I wasn't too embarrassing at...
There were a few dramas. It was pretty ironic really. A camp designed to bring our year group together not only failed but almost went backwards. Let me explain. On the first night, these girls went into our cabin and stole like all our lollies and food FROM MIA'S SUITCASE. We weren't in the room at the time because we were visiting people and the state of origin was on blah blah blah.
Anyway Me and Donar were walking back to our cabin when two girls WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS go running past us with OUR STUFF so I was pretty angry....I went after them but I lost her and I found Marta and we went to try and find Mrs Dunbar
and I won't bore you with the rest of the gory details but pretty much we got our stuff back because they didn't want us to
DOB They tried to tell us the boys were the ones that stole it until they realised Donar and I had seen them! and then the story changed to someone had done it to them so they did it to us...real mature kids. But Clearly we were in the wrong because we can't take a joke.
Later on they were all in this huge group running in and out of people's cabins and they were heading up to the end where out cabin was and I was like oh great they're going to our cabin again and Miss Piggy (you know who I mean) was behind me and she says
"They aren't going to your cabin, just relax they're going to < insertnameofmindlessbimbodronehere >'s for the party...and if you were cool enough you'd be invited"Well didn't that just take the cake. It pissed me off further that they would even think we would WANT to go to their party. FYI I pretty much disagree with anything you do and you need to get your head out of your ass.
Anyway don't be deceived I really did have a good time but I really wish those girls didn't need to involve us in their stupid "joke" Photos now? Yes?

I have HEAPS more photos so yer whoever wants them ill give you a disc lol
Red Shield Appeal tomorrow
Bye for now
Steph xoxoxox