As you can see, I've been trying quite hard to blog as often as possible, with this being the third post of the year....

I promise I will try harder, if anyone's even reading all this stuff

So I read Twilight yesterday by Stephenie Meyer. I wasn't really interested in it but it's supposed to be quite good so I put my name down on the reserves list at my local library and waited until I got my chance to see what the fuss is all about. And let me tell you know, I was definitely not disappointed!!! I think I am in love with this book. I can't wait to get my hands on the next two, as well as the fourth book coming out at the end of the year. I'm not sure I can wait that long though. I tried a couple of local book stores and they don't seem to stock the second book, plenty of the third though. I don't think I can wait too long, hopefully when I get back to school they will have the next book there.

I definitely recommend this book to anyone who loves a good romance with a bit of humor, action and fantasy thrown in for good measure.

I went to Angelina's this afternoon, I think she liked her present which is good. I got my cupcake and got to see everyone before we went back to school. I think there's plans to see Juno on Friday and I can't wait because I'm really looking forward to seeing it since I've been waiting since November to see it!

Not much else from me ladies and gentlemen so be kind and comment me!!
Much Love
Steph xoxox

P.S Quote now? Yes.
About three things I was abosolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, part of him - and I didn't know how dominant that part may be - that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I was unconditionally and irevocably in love with him.
Only a week left of holidays people and I am not looking forward to going back to school so much. It's been raining for the past like 4 days so I haven't done much, I stayed at Naomi's for a few days though, and yesterday Angelina and I walked in the rain to the library. I finally got my hands on a copy of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer! We also went to the Comicshop lol!! I love a good trip to the comicshop, only thing is next month is the last of Angelina's comic's so we won't have an excuse to go there anymore!! Oh and I also drank coke out of a glass bottle!!! another thing I love to do when I take a trip to the library/comicshop.

Angelina's birthday on Tuesday, I'm going over tomorrow to celebrate!! There will be cupcakes! :P I also have some piles of homework and a speech to get through before school....

So now a comic for you all!!

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @

Stephi xoxox

Dearest Readers,

Thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedules to read my sporadically updated blog. Right now, it's the summer holidays and I've pretty much done nothing at all.

Tonight I did however have plans. Some days before this one occurring, Carlia sent me and email saying hey, wanna go to a club after dancing on Tuesday? Well for starters I didn't even realise dancing was already starting up again also, although I am definitely not the clubbing type, I agreed to our little soirée.

So today at 2, I headed over to Carlia's place and we got ready to dance the night away... Dancing was fun, but I borrowed a pair of Carlia's shoes and they were huge so my feet kept slipping. There were heaps of new people too. They were all related actually lol, they were nice too. After that, We drove past McDonald's to get dinner and retrieve our FREE Happy Meals from our Sports Awards won last year at dancing. Then we arrived at Club NOX, that is where we where going. BUT for some strange reason, the doors seemed to be barred, "I think we go in around the corner" Carlia says, we walk around the corner but there isn't anything there....

We start panicking a little but the Carlia's Mum comes back past and beeps so we jump back into the car to call Marta who happened to organise this event but decided not to got in the afternoon. Marta talks to the DJ and tells us that it has in fact, been cancelled. Apparently the DJ turned up at 6, ready to go and when he got in there, there was no sound or light equipment so the event has been rescheduled until next tuesday. Not sure if I'll go again.

And that concludes my not so eventful, eventful night.
I hope you kids enjoyed it, I've even given you some pictures of me and Carlia glammed up.

Steph xoxox