Too late to apologizzze

I know that I said I would be posting heaps of photos on here and everything BUT my beloved computer crashed. I know we actually have two computers but I really loved that one and it had all my settings and things to the way I liked them and the way I was used to.

So I just wanted to apologize for that because as soon as it is fixed I will post ALL my formal photos on here as well as a few others.

Not much else to say, if you're interested my school certificate results came in and they are as follows

English - Band 6
Maths - Band 6
Science - Band 5
Geography - Band 6
History - Band 4

lol yeah I don't know what happened there, but I did come third in our school so basically our school just did hugely bad as a whole. I did get 79...which is one mark off a band 5 so

oh and in computers I got 99% :D

So I did alright :) now I just have presentation day tomorrow

Shall blog more later

Toodles Steph xoxox

Tom Riddle

Another riddle anyone?

Formal tonight and I'm getting my hair and nails done today woot woot.

Anyway here's the riddle

What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

kk cya later

Steph xoxox

What I've been up to

Hey folks,

Sorry it's been so long! Well I'd like to start off by telling you all that my formal is on Monday night and I'm really excited. I shall post photos for everyone right after they're taken :P

On Tuesday I have my dancing Christmas Party and Medals Test. I'm dancing with this little boy called Josh (I do ballroom lol in case you were wondering) for his test, I'm not doing one this year.

My nieces and nephews just got a puppy called Minnie recently and I really wanna see her! They live a little far away thought so it's hard to visit them often.

Oh i made a gingerbread house in Food Tech aswell!!! I didn't take any photos of it though I can't believe it!! Especially since it took like a week and a half to make. But it looked pretty cool :P trust me.

Next Monday is presentation day and I am getting SIX awards!!! Can you believe it? I was so suprised especially for the last two.

16 Years Cross Country Age Champion
Most Outstanding Food Technology
Most Outstanding Science
Achievement Award in French
Achievement Award in PD/H/PE
Most Outstanding Geography

Anyway from my lack of interesting things to tell you I shall give you all a riddle and we'll see who can get the answer

A man was to be sentenced, and the judge told him, "You may make a statement. If it is true, I'll sentence you to four years in prison. If it is false, I'll sentence you to six years in prison." After the man made his statement, the judge decided to let him go free. What did the man say?


Steph xoxo